Friday, 20 April 2018

two months old

My little Tobias is 2 months old today and honestly that 2 months feels as if its both flown by and gone by slowly. I can't believe my son is already 2 months old but at the same time I feel like he's been in my life longer than that. He is my whole world. I love him to pieces and at 2 months old he already has such an amazing personality and characteristics. He's a happy, smiley baby who loves hearing his mummy sing. Our favourite music to listen to at the moment is "The Greatest Showman" soundtrack. Toby absolutely loves those songs and I have videos of him giving the biggest smiles as we listen and I sing along.
Hes also started reaching for toys, well one toy in particular. A good friend of mine got him this very basic hard plastic elephant that you can clip onto pushchairs etc. and it has a little ball on it that you spin. I clip to the side of his travel cot that he lies in during the day and he absolutely loves it! He is content to just lie there, making noises to the elephant and hitting at the ball while laughing.
The other night he laughed in his sleep. Must've been a really good dream.
Sometimes after he sneezes he makes this little sigh noise, almost as if sneezing was a big relief for him.
He is strong and does not like to lie down or be held right your chest half the time (except when sleepy), he would much rather push and I mean push, with his hands, away from you and look around. He holds his head up like a pro and has been doing that since his first week of life. We had people commenting on how strong he was to be holding his head up so easily for long periods of time. Honestly we think this kid is going to be rolling, then crawling and then walking in no time.
I think he's started to try and suck his thumb. I say try because it's as if he wants to suck his thumb but hasn't quite figured out exactly how to do it properly. His hands and fingers are all over the place and it takes him a good while to find his thumb.
He also sometimes seems to find it funny when I have to clean up his puke. Obviously spitting up his milk doesn't bother him and he already gets enjoyment out of watching me have to clean it up.

I can't wait to see him grow and progress and gain even more of a personality. I love him more than I could ever have dreamed. my beautiful little man.

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